DHA (DocasaHexanenoic Acid) is an important component in the repair of brain cells, which are very important for the transmission of brain signals. Brain function is blocked when an adequate amount of Omega 3 essential fatty acids are lacking. Several studies have reached the same conclusion that Alzheimer's disease and similar brain disease may be more common in patients who lack DHA.

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is an essential fatty acid which is a major factor in maintaining heart health. Dariush Mosaffarian, MD, of Harvard School of Public Health stated that by eating certain amounts of seafood, can reduce the danger of a heart attack. Results of thirty large studies conducted around the world show that people who eat at least two servings of fish per week reduces the threat of a fatal heart attack by about thirty-six per cent.

EPA and DHA have anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the discomfort experienced by people suffering from arthritis, back pain or chronic neck pain. These fatty acids are converted into "messenger molecules," which suppress pain and inflammation in the joints.

EPA and DHA has an important role in maintaining the function of the brain and retina of the eye. EPA and DHA are converted into prostaglandins which regulate cell activity and cardiovascular function.